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G’Night everybody! Oh wait. That’s backwards. I guess I still have to provide some “content” in here, don’t I? Alright, I guess.

Actually, I was hoping you could provide me with some content. See you told me all about your Christmas presents, and I dug it ever so much. Now I’m actually dying to hear about your New Year’s Resolutions! Tell them to me! Well, that is if you feel comfortable sharing. New Year’s Resolutions are fascinating to me. Why we resolve and what we resolve each year. That is good stuff right there. But actually, I used to be superstitious against resolutions. It’s not that I’m against having aspirations for oneself. It’s just always seemed to me that the surest way to fail at something is to resolve to do it. I think about all those years I resolved to be more organized…to watch more old movies… to stop eating frosting by the tub… stop posting Facebook status updates about wanting to taser 12-year-old girls that shop at my store… oh sorry. I just made that last resolution just now. So I can’t say whether or not it will be a success. If tomorrow goes anything like today, I kinda doubt it.

Then again, this blog and this project actually started as a resolution. And look how that turned out! Knock on wood of course. Barring severe bodily injury in the next couple of days that would prevent me from getting dressed/taking pictures/posting. Hell, if I ended up next to death and hospitalized I would still rock the paper gown and talk my mom through logging into WordPress. That’s how determined I am to finish. But I think it’s safe to say this is one year I broke the curse.  So now I’m thinking on resolutions again but I doubt I’ll be making any. The new blog is also goal-oriented and I’d say it’s a bit more ambitious that your average on-stop-shop New Year’s resolution. We’ll leave it at that for now.

Here’s something you don’t see a terrible lot of me doing, which is wearing almost all black. Why am I in all black? Well, I’m mourning of course. Mourning the end of this project and daily blogging. Okay, not really. I just felt like wearing all black. It’s actually the color I feel most comfortable in. I really love it. I almost can’t express what a change this year has been for me to wear so much color. I’ve enjoyed every moment of it, and learned a lot. But not dressing in black by default was actually something I have had to work out. So while I’m relatively at peace with color now, I still have black days, and today I chose to indulge.

Part of the reason for my indulgence? Why it’s another new shirt! Something else I didn’t do a lot of this year was buy very many new new items. Lots of thrifted stuff, sure. But all-told, I really only went and splurged brand new clothes on two occasions. So now I have these new shirts that I bought myself for Christmas and I’m being kind of geeky about it. Bust it out! Style it up! Even these earrings are new. Oh baubly goodness! Merry Christmas to me!

In fact, I guess you could say I’m finally getting around to one of my early fashion resolutions for the year which was to Stop Saving the Good Stuff. It only took me all year to cease with the hoarding behavior. But here within the safety of the last week of the project, I feel pretty safely that I’m not going to run out of outfits. Maybe. I still don’t know what I’m wearing for the next two days. Fingers crossed though!

Belted Top – Work
Leggings – Work
Earrings – 5.7.9
Flyaway – 5.7.9
Boots – c/o Wanted Shoes

Title courtesy of Sugar Ray – “When It’s Over”