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Good evening all. Is it evening? I’ve lost track. I had a cup of coffee at the verboten hour of 5:00 and I’m still pretty well awake. This is a vast change from my usual dragging self this time of night. I am a morning person through and through, but lately I am cultivating a rather nasty caffeine habit. I think come the New Year, it will be time to resolve to give it up. Or at the very least, ditch my Diet Soda crutch. I went without the black nectar for a very long time but lately I have fallen back into it. It’s a nasty addiction, that Diet Coke. But with everything that’s going on and how busy it’s about to get, I figure I am owed indulgence in my one vice. I’ll quit next year and just go back to drinking just coffee.

Not that coffee is much better, but it is kinda sorta good for you. At least that’s what I told myself, when I found myself called to the coffee shop for my late afternoon fix. I figure I’ll start cutting back on the soda now, if I want to be weaned by D-Day. Until then, I’ll enjoy the extra jolt of energy. Maybe tonight is a good night to organize my i-Tunes library. Hmm…

How much do we love these tights? The rest of the outfit is just kind of meh to me, but the tights?! I have been waiting awhile to sport these and I have to say they were well worth the wait. Strangely, I put together the outfit first as an attempt to play with weird color combos and then once I hit on it, I thought…TIGHTS! And lo and behold, they work just perfect. Did I mention I love these tights? Tights, you are soooo beautiful to meeeee….

Oh sorry. I was having a moment.

I feel like this outfit is very fashion blogger-esque. Weird muted color combo? Check! Textured tights? Check. Thrifted belt? Checkity check! Well it only took me almost an entire year, but I think I got the mix down. All I need now is an Etsy-bought necklace and some vintage shoes. Maybe a big fur hat. But all in good time, babies. All in good time.

Pink Top – F21
Skirt – F21
Tights – F21
Scarf – Work
Shoes – Payless
Belt – Thrifted

Title courtesy of Rob Thomas – “Mockingbird”